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Bangkok Asia Lifestyle Thailand Visions

Worlds Apart

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“One can experience the heights of human material achievements inside luxury malls, condos, hotels, offices, and supercars.

Step outside, and it’s a different world. One would cough up dust, skip over potholes, dodge construction tools dropping down from above, run after buses, sidestep speeding motorbikes, look left and right warily at road crossings as if about to enter a war zone, and always have some cash in hand in case the police stopped you for any reason.

Privileged children spend their lives inside chauffeured vans, eyes glued to their iPads, while outside, unfortunate children try to sell flowers to apathetic drivers, who avert their gaze and move their cars away. Towering high-rises stand next to the poorest slums. The finest European sportscar races past some makeshift crossbreed of a motorbike and a wagon.”

Read this insightful article on Bangkok and what it represents by clicking HERE.

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