Education News Reports Vietnam

Number of International Students in Vietnam Keeps Rising

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The number of international students coming to Vietnam for self-funded education is steadily rising, with the majority from Laos, Cambodia, China, South Korea, and Singapore.

A study among 120 universities in Vietnam and over 30 experts found that international students fall into short-term students (for summer courses, exchanges, etc.) and long-term students (for four-year bachelor’s programs or two-year master’s programs).

Each year, approximately 1,400–3,900 short-term and 4,300–5,000 long-term students are admitted.

Over the past five years, the number of long-term international students was 4,831 in 2019. Over two years, this dropped to 4,352, before increasing again to 5,021.

For short-term students, after a sharp decline in 2020, numbers have continuously risen, reaching 3,927, according to a study conducted by the Ministry of Education and Training and the British Council.

Nguyen Xuan Vang, former Director of the International Cooperation Department under the Ministry of Education and Training, explains that in the past, most foreign students came to Vietnam under government-sponsored scholarship agreements. Today, the number of self-funded or partially self-funded international students is steadily increasing.

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