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Cambodia News Tourism Travel

Manet Extends Tax Exemption for Tourism Businesses in Siem Reap

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Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Manet has decided to extend the tax exemption for tourism business in Siem Reap for one more year. This applies for all types of monthly taxes, except VAT and income tax.

“In order to continue to help ease the burden of operators in the tourism sector and restore tourism in Siem Reap, I have decided to extend the validity of the same exception until the end of June 2025,” Manet explains.

“In addition to the tax exemption work, the Royal Government has also provided 50 million USD through SME banks to provide loans, especially to tour operators in Siem Reap.”

A working group is currently studying and evaluating tourism activities and services that encourage tourists to visit Siem Reap as a priority for receiving this special loan from the Royal Government.

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