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Asia Education Korea News

Korea Facing Student Shortage

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South Korea’s school-age population continues to drop. Almost one-third, 31.3%, of recently built schools are suffering from a student shortage, the Korea Educational Development Institute survey reports.

The schools with students below 70% of the figure initially expected were classified as under-capacity, while schools with at least 130% of expected numbers were categorized as over-capacity.

Across the nation, 67 schools were classified as under-capacity, while the number of overcrowded schools stood at 18, just 8.4% of the new schools.

Per year, the percentage of schools with an insufficient student population was 25.4% in 2018, and 37.8% in 2020. In contrast, the percentage of schools with too many students went from 13.6% in 2018 to only 1.2% in 2020.

The annual total fertility rate for 2023 in South Korea is projected to have been very low at 0.72, with a further decline to 0.68 projected for 2024.

Read the full article HERE.

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