ASEAN Asia Environment Linkss Visions

Asia’s Challenged Cities


Companies operating in Asian cities are facing increasing environmental challenges. According to the first Verisk Maplecroft’s Cities@Risk ranking, 99 of the world’s 100 riskiest cities are in Asia. 37 of these are in China and 43 in India.

The ranking lists the world’s 576 largest urban centers on their exposure to a range of environmental and climate-related threats.

The riskiest of all is Jakarta. It is plagued with air pollution, seismic activity, and flooding. It is also subsiding at such a rate that Indonesia’s president, Joko Widodo, is seeking to relocate the capital.

Other Indonesian cities face similar challenges. Surabaya and Bandung are in 4th and 8th place respectively.

Around the globe, the situation doesn’t seem much better. Over 400 cities are deemed to be at high or extreme risk from pollution, diminished water supplies, extreme heat, natural hazards, and vulnerability to climate change.

In contrast, Europe is home to 14 of the 20 least risky cities. Krasnoyarsk in Siberia (576th) ranks first, followed by Oslo (575th). Helsinki (569th), the capital of Finland, is not far behind.

Read the full article here.

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